
The Eurasian Campus Department of Management cultivates a dynamic learning environment that empowers future business leaders to navigate the complexities of the global marketplace. We combine cutting-edge theory with practical application, fostering critical thinking, analytical skills, and a commitment to ethical leadership.



To be a leading Department of Management in Eurasia, recognized for our innovative curriculum, impactful research, and dedication to developing responsible and influential business leaders.



empowers students with the knowledge, skills, and ethical compass to become future-ready business leaders who drive positive change in a globalized world.

Lecturer Panel

Dr. Padmasiri Ranawakarachchi

Dr. Padmasiri Ranawakaarachchi
Dean – Faculty of Management Management/HR Consultant Corporate Trainer
PhD in Buddhist Studies (MCU), MBA (UOR), PgD. BS(UOK) Dip. Per. Mgt, Dip. Bus. Mgt, Dip. Adv, English (UOC), AAT (London), FITD, AMCIPM

Ms. Nuwani Munasinghe

Ms. Nuwani Munasinghe
Visiting Lecturer B.A. (Hons.) in Geography (USJ) MSc in GIS & Remote Sensing (Reading)- (USJ), Dip in Disaster Management (UOK)

I H Piyumini N. Senadheera

I H Piyumini N. Senadheera
MSc . in Applied Finance (SJP) MBA, BSc in Finance (SJP) ,CBA, CTHE

Mrs. P.A.D.N Anupama

Mrs. P.A.D.N Anupama
BBA (SP) Marketing (SEUSL), CBF (IBSL), CHRM (NILS), Diploma in computer (ICET) Lecturer (Visiting) Eurasian Campus, Sri Lanka